In a startling revelation tucked amidst the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, the ever elusive, legendary Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, was reportedly caught on film hosting an...
In a turn of events that would make any conspiracy theorist’s heart race, a local fella, Brent Hemsley from Poultryville, Illinois has claimed to have invented...
Huddle in, curious truth-seekers, for the spine-tingling, gut-clenching, soda-spitting tale of “Wraithful Waiters: The Haunted Diner Where Dishes Serve Themselves!” Grab your forks and your garlic!...
They say history repeats itself, and by golly, seems like it’s about as predictable as a three-legged mule in a footrace! Last week, Olav Svensson, resident...
Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up your seatbelts, because we’re on a wild cosmic ride that’ll rock your socks off! We’re here to spill the beans on...
In an unprecedented turn of events, perhaps stranger than a sit-down dinner with Bigfoot, extraterrestrial lifeforms from distant galaxies have staged a cosmically gigantic protest against...
In a spectacle of otherworldly nature, perturbed phantoms are generating quite the commotion, exploiting the marvel of modern technology to voice their protests. That’s right, dear...
In the hush-hush world of Washington whispers, many intriguing stories come to light. But few are as eye-popping as the reports of a secret language spoken...
When it comes to concerts, we usually think of the usual crowd packed with fans screaming and hopping on each other. It’s high time we updated...
If you’ve ever visited the Calgary Stampede and seen a cowboy tipping his hat to the crowd, don’t be too shocked if you catch a lizard-like...