Earth is in cosmic chaos, otherworldly beings demand the return of their lost spaceship keys, unleashing a flood of shock and amusement at the local diner...
Well, folks! Buckle up your seatbelts and blast your thought spaceships to the distant galaxies of extraterrestrial life because, boy, do we have a shocking revelation...
It was a red, white and chili day at the National Hot Dog Eating Contest, when all hot dog heaven broke loose! Out of the clear...
Ah, the drama has just been elevated! On a chilly Tuesday afternoon, the fast-food industry was hit with a cosmic curveball. Literally, a ball zipping from...
Hold on to your tin-foil hats, readers! Crack open your secret dossier. Your eyes do not deceive you – extraterrestrial archaeologists have landed on earth, and...
Brace yourselves, dear readers of the Secret Informer, as it’s one for the books – literally! A surge of UFO sightings around the globe has earthlings...
Oh boy, has Granny blown us all away this time! Never thought she was a lady to hide her cards, did you? Well, you thought wrong!...
Hold onto your hats and scramble your brain cells, insatiable seekers of the secret knowledge, for we believe the cat… or should we say, the extra-terrestrial...
Picture this – Little green Martians, wearing retro Air Jordans, rolling up to your local high school in a shiny UFO as students gape, jaws dropped...
Listen up, readers of the Secret Informer! You’ve been there for the wild, the weird, the wacky, and the downright outrageous, but brace yourselves as none...