Once a year, when samba music starts pulsing through the streets of Rio and sequined costumes sparkle brighter than the sun – strange things start to...
Once upon a midnight dreary, while the sleepless city of Nairobi tossed and turned, an uncanny spectacle was unfolding in the city’s wildlife reserves. Unbeknownst to...
Tokyo is in a tizzy as the tantalizing tale of a time-traveling thief grips the city! This pilferer and its paradoxes aren’t your standard pick-pocket or...
In the heart of the untamed, undaunted, and unmistakably unconventional Australian outback, one wouldn’t expect to find a mafia-style syndicate ruling the roost. But prepare to...
Prepare for a sensational saga as we reveal the spacing-out of Madrid’s bravest, the daring Matadors! Within this world, where logic rubs shoulders with lunacy, truth...
Ladies and Gentlemen, brace yourselves for an extravaganza of epic proportions! Hold onto your hats, your puppies, and your sanity! The “Toronto’s Tunneling Turtles: Underground Mystery...
Unbelievable as it may sound, reports have trickled in from the chilly, spirit-laden nights of Cardiff, Wales, that a choir of cats has been serenading the...
If you think you’ve seen it all, take a trip to Prague’s Old Town, where locals are reporting some rather curious occurrences. The cobblestone streets are...
In a sensational discovery of epic proportions, the city of Kathmandu, tucked away in the Himalayas, has stunned the world with a feline frenzy that makes...
Extraordinary! Unbelievable! Downright entertaining! Just when you thought you had seen it all, the denizens of Lima, Peru are once again baffling the world with their...