Near the quaint little town of Cluckington, nestled between Ma’s Apple Pancakes and Pa’s Chicken Shack, lies Ruby’s poultry farm which boasts of its premier collection...
In an unprecedented world first, a man from Arizona has boldly claimed to be the reincarnation – not of a historic figure or legendary being –...
Just when you thought you’d seen it all, prepare to twist your tongue and turn your wits, for we have uncovered a bemusing tale of verse...
A legal luminary literally soared in the courtrooms recently, leaving judge, jury, and bystanders utterly flabbergasted. The lawyer not only made his arguments with cogency and...
In an astonishing turn of events, a couple from New Jersey has welcomed a newborn with quite an interesting feature – a tattoo! Now, before you...
In an astonishing turn of events, the highly-anticipated Time Traveler’s Convention found its host city devoid of attendees on the appointed day. However, a bewildering revelation...
Well, folks, hold your horses, or should we say snails, because we are about to flip your world upside down! We’re blowing the lid off a...
In a startling revelation that takes ordinary notions of household annoyances and turns them on their heads, a Fort Lauderdale local has come forward, claiming that...
In a shocking development that will upend life as we know it, our feline friends have acquired telepathic abilities and are not shy about making their...
Ladies and Gentleman, brace yourselves! We all know about living people being bothered by spooky haunting or hair-raising specters. From eerie poltergeists who rearrange your furniture...