Smart clothes folding themselves? Yep, it’s true folks! The hitherto fictional portrayal of self-organizing attire has finally emerged from the magical world of fantasies into reality!...
In a truly shocking revelation that has rocked the internet world and the deepest reaches of the ocean alike, highly reliable sources are reporting sabotage of...
Are you tired of being the one chatting your dog’s ears off, without ever getting a response besides a wagging tail and puppy dog eyes? Well,...
In a turn of events that would make any conspiracy theorist’s heart race, a local fella, Brent Hemsley from Poultryville, Illinois has claimed to have invented...
In a wild twist that no one saw coming, a group of genius scientists have singlehandedly managed to bring about a construction industry revolution – they’ve...
What if a coffee maker could give you a peek into your emotional state before you even got a chance to get out of bed? Well...
Extraordinary revelations are surfacing about an “invisibility serum” reportedly being tested in schools globally! Whisperings of chemists, clad in elbow-high gloves and goggles, providing tinctures of...
Once again, the scientists have done it! Or they haven’t. Actually, it’s hard to say because they seemingly can’t find what they’ve apparently just lost. If...
No, your old IBM is not possessed, nor is it time to call in the Ghost Busters, although we might have once thought otherwise. The truth,...
Well, hold on to your hats, folks! The latest Hollywood trend is here, and it’s blowing minds as well as mini-skirts. Say so long to simple...